St. Mary Catholic Cemetery on a Warm Winter Day

Established in 1849, St. Mary Catholic Cemetery sits on 44 acres in the heart of the city. It shares a fence line with its more famous and much larger neighbor, Allegheny Cemetery. It was in low sixties on this day in mid February when I took a stroll through St. Mary. To get out and about in the sunshine sporting a t-shirt after weeks of brutal cold was such a treat. A little taste of spring. I just love wandering around in cemeteries, I can’t overstate that enough. It’s always a magical experience. Just twenty minutes of exploring will open your eyes to hidden treasures. A simple bouquet of faded plastic flowers fixed to a weathered mausoleum door. A bird’s nest perched atop an ancient gate. A totally new view of the city around you.


Location: St. Mary Catholic Cemetery • Penn Ave & 45th St., Pittsburgh, PA 15224


John Anderson Memorial Cemetery on an Icy Winter Day